Switching on your heating

Switching on your heating

Every year, people debate on whether to turn their heating back on or not. Generally speaking, the British public tend to hold off putting it on until around mid-October, but the question remains; when should I turn my heating on?

The answer is: when you feel cold. If it starts getting chilly then the first point of call for energy saving is to put on some layers, but if you’re still feeling cold with your extra jumpers and socks on, then the solution is to turn the heating on.

It is recommended that your home stays at a minimum of 18°c, or 21°c if you have health concerns or are vulnerable due to age. Living in a cold home can have a detrimental effect on your health so, although it may be cheaper, keeping safe this Winter is the highest priority. To make it a viable option for people who are worried about the cost, here are some tips on getting the most out of your boiler.

Make sure your boiler is working!

We often turn our boilers off completely during the Summer, but it’s important to turn it on periodically just to check it’s still working. Better to know it’s broken when you don’t need it, than to have a nasty surprise when you do need it.

Service your boiler every year

Annual check ups can ensure that your boiler is running efficiently, so you are getting the most out of your money.

Check your boiler pressure

If the pressure in your boiler drops below 1 bar, then it won’t be working efficiently. You can contact an engineer or search online for how to fix this.

Bleed your radiators

If there are cold patches on your radiators, then there maybe gaps in the water flow. You can use a radiator key and a bucket to bleed them, which will make sure they are working to their best ability.

Keep radiators clear

Move furniture away from radiators to ensure that the heat can flow into the room and not into the back of the sofa. You can also use radiator reflectors behind radiators that are fixed to external walls.

And lastly, give us a call to see if there are any schemes that you may be eligible for that can improve your heating situation.

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Energy Efficiency Awards 2025

March 4, 2025

March 4, 2025

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