
Our trustees

We simply could not operate without the support of our trustees but what is their role?

Our trustees work closely with our Chief Executive Officer to direct and guide the organisation.

To ensure good governance it's important that our trustees have an appropriate mix of skills and experience to lead our charity.

Current board

Robin Dunlevy (Chairman)

(Vice Chairman)

Peter Evans (Treasurer)

David Johnston - find pic

Susan Juned - find pic

Alan Boad - no pic

Dr William Buckler

George Cowcher

Mary Unwin

Robin Dunlevy

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Susan Juned

Vice Chairman
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Susan was the Leader of Stratford on Avon District when the charity was first established by the council and has remained a trustee.

After studying for a Masters and PhD in Biology at the University of Birmingham and an early career in research, Susan spent her professional career in sustainability, energy efficiency, circular economy and renewable energy on a range of local government and Government projects and as an independent consultant.

Now retired, Susan became the Leader of Stratford on Avon District Council in 2023.

Peter Evans

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Mary Unwin

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Mary was a Principal Housing Officer for Wychavon & Malvern Hills District Councils for 18 years. Her responsibilities included Homelessness, Private Sector Housing and delivering Energy Efficiency projects.

In partnership with Act on Energy and Eon she helped deliver £3.6 million of energy measures across both districts through the Green Deal programme. In 2012 Mary was presented at the House of Commons with the National Energy Action Award for contributions towards Fuel Poverty, Affordable Warmth Agenda, Developing Strategy & Ground Delivery.

Mary was appointed to the board in 2018.

George Cowcher

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David Johnston

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As a social worker by profession, David worked for local authorities in safeguarding both children and adults for 25 years. Having developed experience in housing for people with special needs, he spent 17 years with a large midlands based housing association.

In the last years of his career he managed the relationship between the association and several local charities providing care and support.

He joined the Board of AOE in 2012, chairing the Board between 2016 and 2023.

Alan Boad

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