Our impact

Energy Efficiency Advice Centre

Our ACT in Numbers


Our team of expert energy advisors made 1,933 home visits.
More than 250 of those clients had children living in the home and 270 were pensioner-only households.

Through the Warwickshire Household Support Fund, we paid out over £50,000 in debt relief.

We supported more than 17,000 callers on our helpline

Advice and Support


We made more than 4,300 energy payments to energy suppliers totalling more than £1.7 million

2,334 = £1,152,563

The Household Support Fund continued to see thousands of applications across Worcestershire. In this year alone we helped 2,334 of the most vulnerable with total payments of £1,152,563!

total payments

In Solihull we supported 208 customers through its Household Support Fund with total payments reaching £153,353.


More than 2,000 people were referred to us from other organisations such as Food Banks, professional frontline workers, and other charitable organisations.


We’ve attended more than 970 events across our communities.

small measures
We supplied nearly 700 households with small measures such as energy efficient light bulbs, radiator foils and heated blankets.

Our Impact report 2023-2024

Nothing but positive energy

We are so proud to be building something that is creating a positive impact in the lives of numerous people across the UK.

This page exists to put a face to the name and to highlight some of the exceptional talent we have as part of Act on Energy.

Scroll down and meet the team.

Team Behind  act on energy
more staff

We have a dedicated and talented team who are all focused on making people’s lives warmer, healthier and safer. Our employee numbers grew by 46 since pre pandemic levels to support our increased case load.

Meet the team

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