Volunteer with us

Local stand appearance for helping out

Are you passionate about helping others?

It’s people that make up the heart of Act on Energy - and we’d love you to join us as a volunteer to help our different communities and add to our dynamic team.

Our volunteers are passionate about relieving fuel poverty and tackling climate change. They are mostly based out in the community supporting vulnerable people, but we also have two offices which are at the centre of our operations.

This could be You!

Stand to give you advice on improving energy bills.

How can you help?

We may have got energy in our name – but it’s people at the heart of our organisation. Because our vision of eliminating fuel poverty and reducing carbon emissions is good for everyone – and our planet.

That’s why we work tirelessly with our partners and local communities to tackle the causes of fuel poverty and help mitigate the impacts – all whilst helping to drive the net zero agenda.

Get in touch

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We’d love support with our events – out and about meeting the public and offering energy advice that’s genuinely useful.

Or may be you’d be happier in one of our offices, helping to make up warm packs for distribution, or may be you’ve got great admin skills?

You don’t need a huge amount of experience or knowledge – we offer great training and it could even inspire you to look for a career in the industry.

We want to hear from anyone with the right passion to make a difference, so let’s chat!  Simply email your interest to partnership@actonenergy.org.uk

And if you want any more encouragement – take a look at this video…

There are no current vacancies available

It appears there are no current listings for volunteer roles in Act on Energy today.

But don't be discouraged. If you feel you have experience that could suit our organisation please reach out to us via email or phone to discuss how you could play a part in Act on Energy.

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