Wyre Forest District Council launches The Big Energy Switch

Wyre Forest District Council launches The Big Energy Switch

Cheaper energy tariffs could soon be available as part of a new scheme allowing Wyre Forest residents to use their collective bargaining power to get a better deal. The Wyre Forest Big Energy Switch is launched today. Backed by Wyre Forest District Council, the scheme will negotiate competitive prices with energy companies on behalf of local residents. Residents will be able to register their interest in the scheme before a competitive process to find the best deal for the group. Those who have registered their interest will then be given a personalised offer showing how much could be saved by switching.Those who register for the scheme can consider the offer before deciding whether or not to switch suppliers and there is no charge to join the scheme.Welcoming the move Wyre Forest District Council’s Principal Health and Sustainability Officer Jennifer Moreton said: “This initiative will give residents the chance  to get a really good energy deal and makes it easy for them to switch if they wish to.“Some residents may be paying too much, particularly if they haven’t switched supplier for a while, so I’d encourage everyone to sign up and see what offer they receive. Indeed, collective energy switching is dependent on the number of people who do register so the more people we can encourage to take part the lower the tariff will be for everyone involved.”The amount of money that can be saved will vary depending on individual factors such as the current tariff, payment method, consumption and the winning bid.  There is no guarantee that an offer will be the cheapest but the model aims to ensure the majority of participants are offered lower annual energy bills than they are currently paying or are available at the time of the offer.If you want to take part you should visit www.wyreforestdc.gov.uk/BigEnergySwitchYou will need to have your latest energy bill handy as you’ll need the details during the registration process. Registration is open until Monday 22 May  with individual offers emailed to residents from Monday 5thJune, 2017.For more information visit the www.wyreforestdc.gov.uk/BigEnergySwitch or call the Big Community Switch 0800 048 8285.

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